
Journal Articles


A. Ralston, G. Hernandez, M. Dyck, M.D. MacKenzie, and S.A. Quideau. Mobile learning and student engagement in remote field activities. First Monday 24 (11).

L.A. deBortoli, B.D. Pinno, M.D. MacKenzie, and E.H.Y. Li. Plant community composition and tree seedling establishment in response to seeding and weeding treatments on different reclamation cover soils. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49 (7), 836-843.

M.D. MacKenzie, and S.T. Dietrich. Atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition in the Athabasca oil sands region is correlated with foliar nutrient levels and soil chemical properties. Science of The Total Environment, 134-737.

R. Lalonde, B. Pinno, N. Utting, and M.D. Mackenzie. Woody Plant Growth in Oil Sands Tailings with Varying Capping Depths and Soil Types. SSSA International Soils Meeting

T.L. Hemsley, M.D. MacKenzie, and S.A. Quideau. Ecophysical response of aspen (Populus tremuloides) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) to atmospheric nitrogen deposition on reconstructed boreal forest soils in the Athabasca oil sands region. Science of The Total Environment 696, 133-544.


J.I. Hogberg, B.D. Pinno, M.D. MacKenzie. Evaluating foliar nutrient concentration as an indicator of soil nutrients in reclaimed and natural forests in Alberta, Canada. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 1-13.

S.D. Gupta, and M.D. MacKenzie. Recovery from fire affects spatial variability of nutrient availability in boreal aspen ecosystems. BioRxiv, 492389.

S.T. Dietrich, and M.D. MacKenzie. Biochar affects aspen seedling growth and reclaimed soil properties in the Athabasca oil sands region. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 98 (3), 519-530.

S.T. Dietrich, and M.D. MacKenzie. Comparing spatial heterogeneity of bioavailable nutrients and soil respiration in boreal sites recovering from natural and anthropogenic disturbance.
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 126.


D.M. Howell, and M.D. MacKenzie. Using bioavailable nutrients and microbial dynamics to assess soil type and placement depth in reclamation. Applied soil ecology 116, 87-95.

P.T. Sorenson, M.D. MacKenzie, S.A. Quideau, and S.M. Landhäusser. Can spatial patterns be used to investigate aboveground-belowground links in reclaimed forests? Ecological Engineering 104, 57-66.

S.T. Dietrich, M.D. MacKenzie, J.P. Battigelli, and J.R. Enterina. Building a better soil for upland surface mine reclamation in northern Alberta: Admixing peat, subsoil, and peat biochar in a greenhouse study with aspen. Canadian journal of soil science 97 (4), 592-605.


Das Gupta, S. and M. D. MacKenzie. 2016. Spatial variability of soil respiration in pyrogenic boreal aspen ecosystems: Aboveground and belowground controls. PLOS One. In Press.

Das Gupta, S., D. M. Howell, M. D. MacKenzie, and B. Pinno. 2016. Measuring ecosystem function to assess reclamation success: Comparing nutrient profiles on burned and reclaimed. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. In Press.

Samrat Alam Md., M.C., L. Robinson, X. Wang, K.O. Konhauser, M. D. MacKenzie, Y.S. Ok, D.S. Alessi. 2016. Removal of organic acids from water using biochar and petroleum coke. Chemosphere: In Press.


Das Gupta, S., M. D. MacKenzie, and S.A. Quideau. 2015. Using Spatial Ecology to Examine Above and Belowground Interactions on a Reclaimed Aspen Stand in Northern Alberta. Geoderma, 260:12-22.

Soucémarianadin, L.N., S.A. Quideau, M.D MacKenzie, A.D. Munson, Juliette Boiffin, G.M. Bernard, R.E. Wasylishen. 2015. Total and pyrogenic carbon stocks in black spruce forest floors from eastern Canada. Organic Geochemistry, 82:1-11.


Pinno, B. D., S. M. Landhäusser, P. S. Chow, S.A. Quideau, and M. D. MacKenzie. 2014. Nutrient uptake and growth of fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) on reclamation soils. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 44:1-7.

Soucémarianadin, L. N., S. A. Quideau, and M. D. MacKenzie. 2014. Pyrogenic carbon stocks and storage mechanisms in podzolic soils of fire-affected Quebec black spruce forests. Geoderma 217–218:118-128.


Soucémarianadin, L. N., S. A. Quideau, M. D. MacKenzie, G. M. Bernard, and R. E. Wasylishen. 2013. Laboratory charring conditions affect black carbon properties: A case study from Quebec black spruce forests. Organic Geochemistry, 62:46-55.

Quideau, S. A., S. D. Gupta, M. D. MacKenzie, and S. M. Landhäusser. 2013. Microbial Response to Fertilization in Contrasting Soil Materials used during Oil Sands Reclamation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77:145-154.


MacKenzie, M.D. and S. A. Quideau. 2012. Laboratory Based Nitrogen Mineralization and Biogeochemistry of Two Soils Used in Oilsands Reclamation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 92: 131-142.

Pinno, B.D., S.M. Landhausser, M. D. MacKenzie, S.A. Quideau, And P.K. Chow. 2012. Trembling Aspen Seedling Establishment, Growth, and Response to Fertilization on Contrasting Soils used in Oilsands Reclamation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 92: 143-151.


Sorenson, P.T., S. A. Quideau, M. D. MacKenzie, S. M. Landhäusser, and S. W. Oh. 2011. Forest floor development and biochemical properties in reconstructed boreal forest soils. Applied Soil Ecology 49:139-147.


Ball, P.N., M. D. MacKenzie, W.E. Holben and T.H. DeLuca. 2010. Wildfire and charcoal enhance nitrification and ammonium oxidizing bacterial abundance in dry montane forest soils. Journal of Environmental Quality, 39:1243-1253.

MacKenzie, M.D. and S.A. Quideau. 2010. Microbial community structure and nutrient availability in oil sands reclaimed boreal soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 44: 32-41.


Swallow, M., S.A. Quideau, M. D. MacKenzie and B. Kischuk. 2009. Microbial community structure and function: Effects of prescribed burning and topographic position. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41: 770-771.

Norris C.E., S.A. Quideau, J.S. Bhatti, R.E. Wasylishen, and M. D. MacKenzie. 2009. Fire and harvest influence on jack pine soil organic carbon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39: 642-654.


MacKenzie, M.D., E.J.B. McIntire, S.A. Quideau and R.C. Graham. 2008. Charcoal affect C and N contents in forest soils of Sierra Nevada, California. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 72: 1774-1785.


McMillan, R., S.A. Quideau, M. D. MacKenzie and O. Biryukova. 2007. Nitrogen Mineralization and microbial activity in reclaimed boreal forest soils. Journal of Environmental Quality, 36: 1470 1478.


Kurth, V.J., M. D. MacKenzie and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Estimating charcoal content in forest mineral soils. Geoderma, 137: 135-139.

MacKenzie, M.D. and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Resin adsorption of carbon and nitrogen as influenced by season and time since fire. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70: 2122 2129.

MacKenzie, M.D. and T.H. DeLuca. 2006. Charcoal and shrubs modify soil processes in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana. Plant and Soil, 287: 257-266.

MacKenzie, M.D., T.H. DeLuca and A. Sala. 2006. Fire exclusion and nitrogen mineralization in low elevation forests of western Montana. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38: 952-961.

DeLuca, T.H., M. D. MacKenzie and M.J. Gundale. 2006. Charcoal enhances nitrification in forest ecosystems. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70: 448-453.


MacKenzie, M.D., M.G. Schmidt and L. Bedford. 2005. Soil microclimate and N availability ten years after mechanical site preparation in northern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35: 1854-1866.

Hart, S.C., T.H. DeLuca, G.S. Newman, M. D. MacKenzie and S.I. Boyle. 2005. Post-fire vegetation dynamics as drivers of microbial community structure and function in forest soils. Forest Ecology and Management, 220: 166-184.


MacKenzie, M.D., T.H. DeLuca and A. Sala. 2004. Forest structure and organic horizon analysis along a fire chronosequence in the low elevation forests of western Montana. Forest Ecology and Management, 203: 331-343.

Book Chapters

Deluca, T.H., M.J. Gundale, M. D. MacKenzie, and D.L. Jones. 2015. Biochar effects on soil nutrient transformations. In J. Lehmann and S. Joseph (eds.) Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology, and Implementation. Second Edition. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London.

Deluca, T.H., M. D. MacKenzie and M.J. Gundale. 2009. Biochar effects on soil nutrient transformation. In J. Lehmann and S. Joseph (eds.) Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London.

MacKenzie, M.D. 2007. Forest, range and wildland soils In Land Use, Land Cover and Soil Sciences, Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO Publications. Available online at: